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8 Tips that will help you lower your cholesterol

Before we start this discussion, there are certain truths that need to be said. First, not all cholesterol is bad. There is cholesterol that can be considered as good cholesterol.


Before we start this discussion, there are certain truths that need to be said. First, not all cholesterol is bad. There is cholesterol that can be considered as good cholesterol.
 lower your cholesterol
Photo: Pixabay.com // Photo-Mix

Those are called HDL or High-Density Cholesterol, it helps by reducing the Low-Density Cholesterol and the substance called “triglycerides” from the bloodstream, by doing this they help our heart with unfavorable conditions. The bad one was said earlier. It is the Low-Density Cholesterol and it promotes fat in our bloodstream, producing clogs that interfere with our bloodstream, Yikes!

You should always aim for a higher HDL growth rather than LDL. If the LDL count is higher, the bloodstream, fats may clog our arteries. Have a proper diet and find out how to reduce more cholesterol in our article!

1. Eat and drink food which consists of fruits and vegetables

This is a must because you know how they work. These are natural foods that come from our plants which have multiple benefits. These include antioxidants that may aid in lowering the cholesterol levels in our body. These also contain soluble fiber which aids the body in digestion and helps remove cholesterol as well, phytosterol foods help as well.

2.  Include Phytosterol-rich Foods

Phytosterol like, we’ve said earlier that phytosterol foods are great in countering LDL Cholesterol. These substances bind the cholesterol in the intestine and help in reducing LDL, therefore with that being said, phytosterol foods are helpful if one wishes a lower LDL count. Foods can be varied such nuts of various kind, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, cold pressed oil and lots more!

3.  Boost your consumption of Fiber-rich Food

Fiber helps reduce the cholesterol absorption in the intestines and aids you in digesting food, therefore foods that are rich in fiber is pivotal to a healthier lifestyle. These foods are chia seeds, oats, barley, squash, peas, they can also be found in different fruits such as apple, strawberries, grapes, and others. Fresh juices can also contain soluble fiber, so try and find those foods that are beneficial to your healthier life.

4.  Consume more essential fatty acids

Okay, you might be confused on this one, but there are also good fats that can aid you in your quest for a healthier you. For example, these essential fatty acids help you increase your HDL cholesterol count, as we said earlier, the more HDL cholesterol than the LDL one, the better it is for our body.

5.  Minimize intake of saturated fats

Eating these increase your cholesterol levels, avoid intaking too much like full-fat dairy, fatty meats, etc.

6.  Avoid trans-fats

These fats counter everything you want to have. It increases bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol. This fat is not part of the good fats, you should avoid them! These can be found in processed foods like margarine, greasy fast foods, any baked goods with hydrogenated vegetable oil, etc.

7.  Have a Healthy Weight

This may not be a great advice to those who are not in their ideal weight but please hear us here. When you have excessive weight in your body, it increases your LDL cholesterol count and while being the couch potato you are, decreases the HDL cholesterol count. So be healthier! Exercise and always keep moving! This will make your life longer and be more energetic in the long run as well.

8.  Reduce stress levels

When we have stress in our bodies, chances are we make more cholesterol and that is never good. So kick back and enjoy life! Don’t be too stressful. Life is more enjoyable when dealing with less stress. Tired? Rest and relax. Bored and nothing to do? Find a hobby. Live your life and do not make it as a boring one. You only live once so, Hakuna Matata!

And that ends the 8 tips that reduce cholesterol levels in your body. We hope that this guide can help you live a better life and be healthier!

Source: rebootwithjoe

8 Tips that will help you lower your cholesterol 8 Tips that will help you lower your cholesterol Reviewed by Jason on July 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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